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by Hildegard Wilson, Head of Investment Solutions at Glacier by Sanlam

As we find ourselves firmly entrenched in the year 2024, there are four important things that we need to be aware of as investors as we plot our investment journey. While the political landscape, interest rates, international asset allocation and regulation seem daunting when we think about them, it would be foolhardy to ignore them as investors.

How do you build a successful investment practice? With more than 30 years’ experience in the investment industry, Kritz Coetzee, Regional Manager at Glacier by Sanlam, has some interesting observations and insights to share.

“Invest your money and forget about it, at the very least for five years – that’s how you achieve growth”, says Patrick Mathabeni, Senior Research and Investment Analyst at Glacier Research. He examines the Baillie Gifford Long-Term Global Growth Fund (accessible for investment via the Glacier Long Term Global Growth Feeder Fund, which is available on the Glacier platform), and how it rewards patient investors; those who have essential ingredients for investment growth – time and patience.

At a recent Glacier event for intermediaries, Anton Swanepoel, financial industry expert, author
and director at Trusted Advisors, unpacked the Conduct of Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill and
how advisers should prepare their minds and practices for this industry-changing legislation. “Build
COFI into your practice, and not the other way around”, he says. “This means sharpening the
fundamentals that you already have in place”. A key point of COFI is regarding the issue of suitable
advice, and tied to that is knowing your client and determining their risk profile.