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CFA Society South Africa and SAVCA feature: Private Equity

| | 1.5 points

Learning: Knowledge

CFA Society South Africa in collaboration with SAVCA hosted a month end feature, discussing Opportunities to mobile capital for generational impact and how to integrate ESG factors into the valuations process. Presented by Ria Papier, Client Director at Old Mutual Private Equity who explored funding opportunities and the potential for the asset class to have a significant impact by addressing some of the country’s socio-economic concerns, joined by Adam Bennot, CFA, Head of Responsible Investment at Riscura discussing ESG updates to the IPEV guidelines (International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation) with practical guidance on how private market investors can integrate ESG factors into business valuations, moderated by Nicola Gubb, CFA, Employer Outreach Committee Member and Chair of the Governance & Risk Committee at CFA Society South Africa.